Recently I made the mistake of handing $2335.52 over to the Whanganui Caci Clinic for a membership to receive 5 CO2 'Fractional Laser' treatments. All the Caci clinic promotional literature and staff advice promise and extensively promote the following: How does Fractional CO2 Laser work?Fractional Co2 laser treatment uses a fractional carbon dioxide laser that works to tighten, resurface, and strengthen the skin by removing small plugs of skin. This laser passes pulses of light down through to the deeper layers of the skin, causing controlled damage to skin cells, triggering the skin’s natural healing process and allowing new, fresh and healthy skin tissue to form. The skin cells in the basal (deeper) layer grow back stronger, firmer and faster, to help your skin become smoother, tighter and more even in tone. As a result, the skin heals and for weeks after, new healthy collagen is formed.
2) Reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinklesFractional laser treatment is great for reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles while promoting smoother, more even texture. Fractional laser works to tighten the skin by removing small plugs of skin. This works by triggering the highest wound response which results in training the cells in the deeper layer of your skin to grow back stronger, firmer and faster as the healing process stimulates new collagen production so skin becomes smoother, tighter and more even in tone.
3) Correct advanced skin ageingFractional laser is the ultimate treatment for collagen induction as it creates the largest wound response of all Caci treatments. Because we are creating this higher wound response, we are creating a good amount of controlled damage which will cause our bodies to start producing collagen tissue that is stronger and firmer than before. This results in stronger, firmer skin. Fractional laser will achieve a visible, positive lasting result - both after ONE treatment AND WITHOUT making results contingent on a raft of other redundant and costly 'treatments'. Fractional laser is the Caci clinic's most 'invasive and effective treatment which promises lasting and obvious results'.
Given the significant sum of money for this treatment, I sought (and received) assurance of 'guaranteed' results and that if there were none, the money involved would be refunded. As further insurance against this advice from Caci clinic staff, I took sequential photos the day prior to, the day after and weeks after each 'treatment'. After the first treatment there was absolutely no difference
since these are given at 5 week intervals, this is ample time to have had a relatively 'immediate' outcome. I voiced my concerns to the consultant, who was also shown my photographic evidence of 'before' and 'after' results (in this instance zero change).
She then began making excuses for why the treatment had made no difference, including:'it takes time, keep going'.'you didn't purchase additional facials, which affects the result'.'at any time if there's no results we will refund your membership'. Based on this, I decided to have two more of the five treatments so there could be no question the treatment had been given every opportunity to deliver what was promised.
Exactly the same result occurred each time - ie no result and definitely none of the promoted and promised benefits. Furthermore, the nurse actually left white welts on my skin from areas of my face she had missed with the laser after the third treatment. At this point I showed her the sequential photos and said I wanted a full refund of my membership (as had been promised at the outset).
Then began an extensive email complaint to the Caci clinic support office, who initially defaulted to the same three excuses the consultant had given as to why the treatment had delivered no results. In response, I pointed out that expert plastic surgeon advice concerning fractional laser treatments (based on peer-reviewed clinical studies) included the following: "Laser resurfacing with a Fractional CO2 laser only requires one treatment to achieve your desired results". "Results are both immediate and progressive. These should be obvious directly the skin heals (ie once the redness has resolved) with SIGNIFICANT results being evident 2-3 WEEKS post treatment". "Optimal improvement is visible in 2 months". By now I had undergone 3 treatments over more than 15 weeks, with zero change or 'result' in my skin, which is ample time for visible results to have appeared.
This remained evidenced by both the imaging records I had taken and my skin itself. The support office then admitted they couldn't deliver what they had promised, but I am having to fight them for a full refund of the money they took from me essentially under false pretenses. I am saddened that this treatment was paid for with money gifted to me to be spent on something 'indulgent' and feel embarrassed I was so easily mislead and taken advantage of by this franchise. I am sharing this story to hopefully save others from the same situation as I'm in. My advice to anyone considering CO2 'Fractional Laser' treatment for aesthetic purposes is to go to a properly qualified plastic surgeon or appearance medicine Dr with a proven track record. Under NO circumstances would I ever recommend going to the Caci clinic for ANY of their 'treatments'. They are extortionately priced for NO results, bordering on charletans. They promise the world and deliver nothing :-((
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