I own two shades from the range -"To The Chapel" which is a beautiful sky pastel blue, and "Tippy Toes" a dusky rose pink. The two shades perform wildly differently so I've given this a 3/5 for all my ratings. The packaging is simple - a glass bottle with a black lid. The brush is quite wide which I find annoying because it makes this hard to work with for painting toe nails and pinky nails. The polish is really thick and takes quite a while to dry even in the summer heat. This isn't ideal, as you are supposed to follow up the colour polish with the Diamond top coat in the range, so that just means over an hour of wet nails once you follow all the recommended steps (I don't have the patience!!). Like other reviewers have said, it would almost be better to use this with a light to set the polish. The colours are quite opaque and beautiful though. "To The Chapel" is such a stunning blue that I got lots of compliments on and I found it wore really well without even using the gel top coat and lasted over 7 days without chipping. "Tippy Toes" on the other hand chipped quicker than normal nail polish despite being used both with and without the Diamond Top Coat - obviously the point of gel polish is to last longer than normal nail polish but that shade just didn't. So I have mixed feelings about this nail polish. The colours I have are gorgeous, but take forever to dry, and one lasts the 7 days as promised, but the other just chips after a day! So this is a bit of a mixed bag - you may get a shade that performs well or one that's a bit meh. I don't think these are the best affordable gel polishes out there, but they also aren't the worst. If you're going to give these a go, I recommend grabbing them on sale just in case you get one of the more 'meh' shades like I had.
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December 18th 2023 - January 21st 2024
Revlon ColorStay Gel Envy Review

Revlon Colorstay Gel Envy Create salon-quality color in 30 vibrant shades with our revolutionary 2-step system. Brush on the base + color in one, and then finish with the protective ColorStay Gel Envy Diamond Top Coat™ for superior strength. Together, they create vivid color, brilliant shine and gorgeous life-resistant wear.
Website http://products.revlon.co.nz/

Used this polish and the color looked amazing but it was thick and gluggy and took ages to dry. kinda thinking I needed a light for it to dry under like the salons.... tried it a few more times with the same result.
The polish looks just like a gel! The colour is thick and has good coverage. Drys fast. Then the gel envy top coat seals it in with a high gloss/shine. It lasts on my nails for nearly 2 weeks!!!
Tips: Make sure each coat is dry before applying the next. As it is thick, if you apply too much at once it won't dry properly.
All the Revlon colorstay products last the limit except for the nail polish. They haven't made it bullet proof yet!! I bought the 300 all in a midnight blue shimmer colour it's great for parties or evenings out, or summer festivals!! I usually wear nude pink or white but wanted to try something different. It lasted the evening but didn't survive the day. dark blue chipped nails is not a good look! Couldn't be repaired. I have yet to find a nail polish that doesn't chip after a day. It does last a bit longer then most
These nail polishes are so easy to apply, I she shape of the brush is wide and flat with a curved tip to accurately apply around your cuticle. The consistency of the polish means it almost 'melts' flat on your nail, even if you don't apply perfectly. One important thin to note is you must use a topcoat or I find they almost rub off at the end. I am constantly recommending these polishes to my friends!
Tips: I like to use with Sally Hansen insta-dry top coat, it drys without smudging and lasts 7-10 days.
I didn't mind this nail polish, it does last longer than standard nail polish which on me is about a day (lol). But the colors are lacking sparkly holo. Aside from that, I'd recommend it for anyone looking for a better than standard nail polish.
Use the base coat and am generally pleased with the result. Even when I have used a dark colour my nails have not stained. Comes with a curved brush which I like as it applies nicely along my cuticles. Base coat does have a creamy/milky tint so sets a good foundation before colour is applied. In this range I also use multiple colours. Again they have the curve brush which makes for easy application. When applied evenly and dried between coats this polish has a nice finish.
Tips: Make sure you dry fully between coats. Don't apply too thickly.
The top coat is my go to! With a base coat and the Revlon diamond top coat you can make ANY nail polish look perfect! I'm a stay at home mum so get pretty rough and messy and I can go a week before getting a chip. I love it!
I got one of these nailpolishes in a gift with purchase promotion at Farmers. I wouldn't have chosen the colour myself - it's a muddy purple which looks brown at nighttime ( 460 Hold 'Em) and goes with literally nothing. The brush is massive. It covered my entire little nail in one stroke, which I didn't love because the first layer I put on was way too thick and I couldn't blend it out. And I don't know if it was just the colour (I see from other posters that other colours apply better?), but the application was very streaky, and there were little bubbles in it. The next coat helped a bit, but it was so thick, it took FOREVER to dry. I started applying it at 6:30pm, went to bed at 11, and when I woke up, there were marks on my nails from my sheets :(
Tips: Start applying this first thing in the morning, leave two hours between each coat, make sure you apply it as thinly as possible.
I bought a few Revlon Colourstay Gel Envy polishes as well as the diamond top coat as I was tired of spending so much money at nail salons. However I was pretty disappointed with the results. I found the polish was quite thick (which I know it is supposed to give a gel effect, but it just didn't look great in my opinion). The finish was average. Also, the weirdest part was the diamond top coat made the polish develop little lumps. I tried it several times and got the same result. I even tried it on other brands of nail polish and got the same thing. Felt like I wasted a lot of money. Would never buy this range again. Disappointed as I like a lot of Revlon products.