I have a few wrecked nail polishes by cheaper nail polish brands (not OPI, etc) which have become dry and clompy. Instead of throwing them out, I decided to try out this OPI Nail Lacquer Thinner, and was happy with results. My clumpy nail polishes became smoother and usable again. I would not say that they were back to their original condition, but maybe I had left it too late. I have also used it on an OPI top coat which had thickened. With only 3 drops, the goopy consistency was gone!
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December 18th 2023 - January 21st 2024
OPI Nail Lacquer Thinner

ust 3 to 6 drops of this carefully selected blend of solvents, rejuvenates overworked lacquer to maintain its proper consistency.
Website http://www.opiuk.com
Tips: Do not use paint thinner.
If you have a lot of nail polishes then this is worth purchasing! Most nail polishes will thicken with age and you would usually end up throwing them out which is a horrible feeling when some of them are favourites. This is why this is worth purchasing, it may seem a little expensive but when you think of all the nail polishes you save then its so worth it!
Tips: Don't use too much
I have a lot of nail polishes & most are OPI and I've never had to use this on any of them, but they work great on other brands. I've used it on Orly, Revlon & Maybelline ones with fantastic results.
Tips: Do not use a lot-you'll end up ruining what ever is left & it will be like coloured water :-)
If your like me you don't like to waste any of the polish so this is a lifesaver. You really only need a couple of drops, depends how much is left in the bottle to what amount you need. Its a drip feed so don't panic that it will come squirting out, its very controlled drops. I've never had a polish go hard that's over half full just when its nearly run out that's when I need to use this. Mine has lasted for years, so the price might seem a tad high but its worth it. I've also used it on non-OPI polishes and its worked just the same.
I have over 200 nail polishes so it goes without saying that they will thicken overtime with use. I have so far used this on a couple of my most used polishes that have just started to get a little thicker and a few drops of this has restored them to there former glory.
An absolutely fantastic product. It's worth the price since you can extend the life of so many polishes with just a few drops rather than shell out for replacements.
Would happily recommend to others wanting to extend the life of there polishes and will repurchase when I run out
I own so many nail polishes that I never seem to get through an entire bottle because I have so many to choose from. After a while some started to thicken and become gluggy, including some of my favourite OPI glitters which I just wasn't ready to part with. I did a little research and came across OPI Nail Lacquer Thinner and decided to pick some up at Farmers with my club points figuring that if it wasn't great I hadn't spent real money on it anyway. Best nail related purchase ever. All of my polishes are perfect consistency now, the bottle barely has a dent in it so I can't even imagine how many future uses I'll get from it and it's something I know I'll use again.
Tips: Start with a couple of drops, roll the nail polish bottle between your hands for a minute then add a few more drops if needed.