Heard absolutely great things about the moon cups so i tried, was at work (doing stock)and it leaked thru i honestly think i did it wrong but i have literally been to scared to try again. But others ive talked to absolutely love it
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December 18th 2023 - January 21st 2024
MoonCup Menstrual Cup

The Mooncup is a reusable menstrual cup, around two inches long and made from soft medical grade silicone.
It is worn internally a lot lower than a tampon but, while tampons and pads absorb menstrual fluid, the Mooncup collects it.
This means it doesn’t cause dryness or irritation, and also that it collects far more (three times as much as a tampon!).
Because the Mooncup is reusable, you only need one so it saves you money and helps the environment, too.
The Mooncup is designed to be folded and inserted into the vagina, then removed, rinsed and reinserted up to every 8 hours. A light seal is formed with your vaginal walls, allowing menstrual fluid to pass into the Mooncup without leakage or odour. This seal is released for removal, allowing you to empty the contents, rinse or wipe and reinsert. Comfortable, convenient and safe the Mooncup can be used overnight and when travelling, swimming or exercising.
Available in 2 sizes.
Website www.mooncup.co.uk
I've tried a couple cup and this is the best one. Good fit and it's trustworthy to do the job. Saves money, the environment and is easy clean. I love it.
Menstrual cups are amazing!!! They do take a little getting used to but they save so much money and keep so much rubbish out of the landfil. There's no risk of toxic shock or gross wet strings from tampons. No rubbing from using pads for days on end. I will never go back to using disposable products.
Tips: Google the different types of folding techniques and try a few different ways to work out which is best for you. I always wet mine with water to make it easier to insert. Only change in a bathroom with a sink (or in the shower).
Very sceptical about using one to start with but when I did start I have never looked back so good knowing I can leave it I’m for up to 12 hours before removing , never had a problem with leakages and its a great feeling knowing I’m not putting any unknown chemicals in my body by using a eco friendly product and the money I’m saving by not using tampons or pads
I absolutely love this product. Its great for the wallet and plays a small part in helping the environment. I was very nervous to try it out and that it'd get stuck up there but everything went smoothly. SO easy to use and makes that time of the month so much easier. It helps my cramps and only having to deal with it twice a day is great! Don't have to worry while im out and about.
Tips: When using for the first time, be as relaxed as possible! makes it a lot easier haha
such a great idea and move in the right direction for making reusable ecofriendly products. Love my moon cup can leave in for upto 12 hours and no spills! was sceptical that it would leak but haven't had any problems. Can hardly feel it once it is in, takes a few times to get used to inserting it but once you do it it's so worth the initial discomfort
Tips: release the suction by pinching cup before taking out
The menstrual cup thing wasn't my 'thing' until I won one - another brand. I loved the concept, and my body and me hate tampons and the like, so this seemed like a great alternative. After failing with the one I won - I did my research to find one that had fabulous reviews to give it one last go before giving it a miss, and I'm so glad I did. I found MoonCup, it works and I haven't looked back.
I purchased the MoonCup and it arrived in a box, with great instructions and a cute pouch for storing the cup when not in use. Using any cup is a bit of a 'fiddle' at first, and it absolutely takes time to work it out - but I highly recommend reading the instructions that come with the moon cup because they're awesome. If all else fails there's loads of tips and tricks on the internet for getting a menstrual cup to work for you.
This cup is super comfortable once in (I can only compare to one other brand), It's firm to insert, and what makes it really fantastic is that its silicon is really firm, so sits tight once inserted so I know there's little risk of leaking as long as I've inserted it correctly (it takes practice and understanding the direction all the body parts point, to point the cup in the right direction as well). The important thing with inserting the cup is to relax - it's something I have to consciously tell myself sometimes.
I have a very crazy heavy cycle and can honestly say the MoonCup made coping with that so much easier and less stressful. I'm no longer in tears as I deal with the heavy period. I couldn't and wouldn't go back to icky tampons and pads. I feel better for the change, and feel better the planet is better for my change.
Tips: Healthpost were the cheapest when I shopped for mine. There's two sized cups so read their guidelines to pick the right size for you - it's super easy to work out which is the one for you.
After my 2nd baby, I wanted to switch to more natural products and this was one of them. In hindsight, I probably shouldn’t have tried to use it for my first cycle after baby was born (my cycle was very, very heavy). It took me a few days to figure out how to use the cup correctly, and it got a bit messy at times! But after watching a few videos I got the hang of it and it became my new favourite menstrual product. I haven’t switched back to tampons and recommend the cup to all my friends.
These are easy to use once you get the hang of it, and easy to clean/maintain too. I love that I’m not longer using wasteful tampons and the cup is way better for my body...definitely a winner!
Tips: Watch some videos and try it on a light period when you first start!
I think that i am the only person i know who didnt like my moon cup! When it first arrived, i was so excited and couldn't wait for my period to come. The cup was larger than i was expecting and i was a little scared about trying it. I had a few unsuccessful tries getting it in. For starters, getting it in there is difficult. If you are in a small cubicle, it would be almost impossible. I felt like a gymnast around my bedroom stretching everywhere to get it in (and yes i did fold it and tried multiple ways). Once it was in, it was comfortable and i couldn't even feel it was there. I thought, phew that was a workout, but its in now, i can relax etc. Then the time came to get it out... it was stuck. Like really stuck. I tried everything to get it out on my own but ended up having to get my partner to get it out for me.. embarrassing! I would never in a million years try my moon cup again. It just wasn't for me.
Menstrual cups are just amazing! They save so much money and no more items you'll need to carry around. It fits me well, is easy to insect when it was wet and I empty it out twice a day in the shower and don't think about it the rest of the time. Been using for many years and wont ever go back to messy disposal items.
Tips: Google different types of folding techniques and try a few different ways to work out which is best for you.