This is my first time trying a product like this but after a very stressful time the last couple of years I wanted something to help my thinning hair look like it used to, I used the dark brown and it really works even on the silvers, it stayed on pretty well for a few days until next hair wash day and it didn't seem to rub off on my pillowcase. I did find it a little difficult with the mascara like brush to coat the roots without getting the ends also.
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December 18th 2023 - January 21st 2024
L'Oreal Paris Magic Retouch Precision Reviews

Magic Retouch brings a new innovation - our instant root concealer precision brush that creates an easy application for those stubborn scattered grey hairs.
The formula blends with your hair colour and lasts until shampooed out. The product is transfer-proof, water and heat resistant.
Tips: If you dont want to coat the whole length of hair stands try dabbing the brush instead of doing strokes, i ended up dabbing the product with the brush then using a cotton tip to blend it in so i didn't get my super long hair tangled.
Handy for grey touchups . I like this. But I'm not sure about full regrowth application. The brush is little so that could be tricky.
My hair is too thick for this type of application. The colour stayed put all day and is not as drying as the spray application.
Tips: Use as quick natural brow application.
Great concept but tricky to get right
I have a few stray grey hairs and also I have some leftover lightened pieces of hair throughout my hair that I thought I could easily touch up with this product and blend in to make my hair look more of an even colour all over. Alas, (while the concept of the product is great, practical and there is a definite need for it), I found the product tricky to use and get right. It was hard to apply to stray hairs and when I used it on my random light pieces even though I tried blending in by brushing through I still was not happy with the colour and I found it to be too noticeable and not natural looking. It was hard to get the coverage right and I preferred to apply it once I had put my hair into the style I wanted, but then I found the brush kept accidentally pulling on random hairs or bunching the hair.
Tips: I feel like this is a product I need more time to play around and practice with.
I am increasingly getting more and more pesky grey hairs popping up. I dye my hair to cover them, but in between dye jobs there are scattered grey hairs that stick out like sore thumbs against my dark brown hair. Enter a solution to hide them - L'Oreal Paris Magic Retouch Precision Brush.
It comes in a surprisingly plain turquoise mascara like applicator tube. The brush is more like a flat comb, rather than a mascara brush - which is handy for being precise with applying it but also the added bonus of not mistaking it for actual mascara. It is quite easy to apply after a few practice runs to perfect the technique.
The colour was a good match and it was a nice consistency. It didn't leave my hair sticky or clumpy and looked quite natural. It said what it said it would do in terms of lasting until it was shampooed out.
It would take ages to cover all my greys, but we can't expect miracles here. But it covers some of the major stand out ones.
Tips: Takes longer than 5 minutes to dry, so give it a quick blow dry and a comb
This product is perfect for those with a few grey strands, if you're over 10-15% grey you're probably going to want a more permanent solution.
I found it easy to apply, and really unnoticable once dry - its not like the horror of spray-on hair for bald men! It'd be perfect for evenings out, and weekends away as its small enough to fit in your bag.
I would definitely recommend it to those with a small amount of greys - if you have a lot of greys this would be great in a cover-up emergency, but wouldn't be a great long-term solution.
This simple hair mascara solves the grey strand problem! I stopped colouring my hair years ago, and I love my natural shade, but the grey coming through is a bit annoying.
I found this very easy to use, I just applied it over my greys, It covered them immediately. It didn't come off until I shampooed, and even then I didn't notice any pigment in the shower.
Recommend to those with grey strands they'd rather not see!
I really liked this one from L’Oreal. When I first put it on, it was like putting gel in my hair - it looked wet and was sticky. Luckily I read the instructions re combing and waiting. After doing this, my hair looked fine and you couldn’t tell I was wearing it.
Pro’s: colour match was spot on. You couldn’t see the product at all! Grey coverage was 100% so I was extremely happy with that. It’s reasonably easy to apply, and the instructions are very clear.
Con’s: really only one downside is that you have to comb the product through. So if you’ve put your hair up and spot any lingering ‘sparkles’, you wouldn’t be able to just do a touch up with your hair up. You would need to take it down, use the product and start again.
Overall, I really liked this and will be using it during the between salon visits weeks.
Tips: Follow the instructions :)
I would also suggest a fine tooth comb. I have a wide one and I think the fine comb would do a much better job at moving the product through.
I had high hopes for the product, however, it didn’t work for my very curly mane. The colour was great for my hair - I had dark brown. However, I couldn’t comb it through my hair without ending up like Diana Ross! I tried leaving it as is, without combing, and kind of smudging it into my hair, but it would end up looking like I had applied too much gel in that area. I tried using a very very minimal amount, but then that wouldn’t be enough coverage for my greys. I feel this would be great for someone with fine, straight hair. But for my thick curly hair, i couldn’t get it to work in a way that I felt confident that no one would notice I had used hair mascara. However, I did find it great as a eyebrow gel...found this out by accident, as I had ran out of mine. I put a little bit on an old spooly, combed it through my brows and it gave me a bit of colour but also held them in place great! It was an awesome fluke!
Tips: While I wouldn’t recommend going out and buying this for an eyebrow gel, it does work great as one if you’re in a pinch - put a little on an old spooly, brush through brows and you’re done!
I have used one my Mum brought a few times and it seems to do a good job. Would definitely use this if I needed it regularly. Easy to wash out.