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The Beauty Crew are on holiday:

December 18th 2023 - January 21st 2024

Get Set To Glitter This Halloween!

23 October, 2018 - 10:26pm by - Head Pixie | 19 Comments

By BR Tabatha

Who knew sparkly could be scary?

Not me... well at least I had no idea until an Instagram account popped up on my radar that led me down a merry, glittery garden path. 

The trend?

This is the bit where you look away if offended or if you're at work. I'll even give you some starry goodness so as not to get you in trouble (or us!).













Yes I'm gleeful. Yes I'm clapping. Yes I LOVE it!!! (Although as always glitter and crevices concern me.)


This is the work of Go Get Glitter, a UK-based business that has one of the sparkliest Instagram accounts around, and they are rocking the Halloween inspo this year! Check out these other sparkalicious ideas...


If a pumpkin came to life as a human, then died and became an evil skeleton tiger who liked a bit of bling, this is what it would look like. This is also how I would like to look. Not just for Halloween, but for every day. Or maybe every other day so the days inbetween I could look like this... 


If anyone ever says glitter can't be chic I'm showing them this. It's a thing of elegance! Shall we have one more inspo image? Why not! And we're heading back to bum land for this one... you've been warned. Also, if arachnids don't rock your world... you've also been warned about that...










Bejewelled spiders on your bum! Yes! If that's not Halloween done and dusted then I don't know what is. 

Love it. Love their talent. Love their ideas. Love their passion.

Also love that if one was inclined to try the look they make it easy by putting together 'get the look' packs with all the materials you need. Genius. (And, as the beauty YouTubers now all say just in case the world comes for them... not an ad, just me being blown away by a company.)

Are you as inspired as I am? Do you want to get the glitter out and play this Halloween? And am I the only one wondering if it's comfortable to sit down - or even possible to sit down - with jewels on your derriere? Get chatting!



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2nd November, 2018

I wouldn't go out of my way to paint myself in glitter, just because it would take me forever to remove. The look itself is amazing and these girls are very talented.

2nd November, 2018


1st November, 2018

OMG amazing!! Not something I would do but looks so cool!! :)

28th October, 2018

I love glitter but on the bum?! Noooo. Just reminds me of sitting on sand in togs. Horrible.

26th October, 2018

Looks cool in theory but not practical lol

26th October, 2018

Looks cool in theory but not practical lol

25th October, 2018

Very cool,love these looks but I'll stick with just the Halloween make up on my face,not really in to showing my back side off to the world.

25th October, 2018

I don't think I'll be putting glitter on my butt anytime soon, but I do love Halloween looks. They are always so much fun!

24th October, 2018

My hubby would love the bumpkin look.... lol.... but i think it’d be uncomfy and I couldn’t be ‘arsed’ going to all that trouble (s’cuse the pun!)....

24th October, 2018

ahhhh... no... I feel like glitter would be like sand and would appear when I was least expecting it... So no hahahahahaha you can keep this trend to yo self

24th October, 2018

Amazing! My boyfriend would love it if I did a glitter bum

24th October, 2018

Creepy but very well done!

24th October, 2018

Maybe it’s my age or lack of flexibility but I’m stuck at the ‘get the look’ packs mentioned - the Halloween ‘bumpkin’ look seems like a real stretch haha

24th October, 2018

Amazing and clever -If you have the confidence and don't want to sit down on the job way to go !!!

24th October, 2018

It's instagramable glitter glam meets scary trend. I think it looks good and if you have the confidence to rock it power to you. I also like that everything you need is packaged for you to wear. However, not something you can sit down on well without being uncomfortable and if you can you might want to be the host for any Halloween party because I don't think your friends and family would like patches or bits of glitter stuck to their couches, chairs, carpet, walls, surfaces in their house, toilet seat, etc.