These are great for brand new shoes that are a tad firmer than you'd hope. They snuggly sit at the back of your shoe and are very discreet. They are best with wee flats that just slip on because as the name suggests they do slip around, hence causing rubbing then pain and blisters etc etc. So cheap so you really can't go wrong having these tucked away somewhere if you need them.
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December 18th 2023 - January 21st 2024
Footcare Suede Heel Grips Review

Footcare Suede Heel Grips are perfect shoe care accessories for all types of closed heel shoes, for men and women. Made from real leather, they increase the grip of loose-fitting shoes padded for comfort and perfect fit and reduce blisters caused by slipping and friction. 2 pairs per pack.
I used to work in a shoe shop, that is how i came across these. There is 2 pairs in one pack, which is a bonus and at a very affordable price. I had worn brand new ballet flats to work one day and they kept slipping up at the backs of my heels which was starting to cause me pain and discomfort. I decided to buy these heel grips and wow they helped so much. My ballet flats were no longer slipping. These heel grips have a pad like feeling on one side, and then the other has an adhesive side which sticks to the back of your shoe.
Tips: Once stuck down to the back of your shoe it's very difficult to remove. Depends really on what type of shoe you had as i used my heel grip on a leather insole.
I have tiny feet - size 5 - so it's hard for me to find well fitting shoes, especially heels. I like that there are 2 pairs in one pack. It's more cost effective and there's less packaging waste.
I love that this is real leather. It feels great against my skin and prevents any blisters from forming. It's also super grippy and prevents my foot slipping out of my heel.
Overall, would definitely repurchase and recommend!
Footcare Suede Heel Grips are equal I believe to competitors such as Scholl. But unlike most of their competitors they offer two pairs for approximately the same price as most brands offer one pair for.
Compared to some of the other items Footcare offer, I would argue these are reasonably well priced. Although in general I would say Footcare is priced better than other branded competitors.
In terms of use, I use these in the back of my sneakers which have worn slightly to protect my heels and they stay fixed in place even when I am doing a long run. I wish their gel heel grips stuck to shoes this well, because I find that all suede and leather heel grips go a bit hard/stiff after a while, so they are not so nice to wear without socks (fortunately with sneakers this isn't a problem).
So I would recommend these if you want something that lasts.
Great value two pairs in a pack. Stop the slipping off your heels and prevents the rubbing and blisters. Sticks well. A tip don’t sit them to high up to the edge of the shoe as you want them to be descreet.