After the Invisible Tan fail, I was a bit apprehensive to buy this, so I pinched some of my friends. Again, ticked all the boxes, vegan, cruelty free, smelt amazing. Was so easy to apply, and I saw results in a couple of hours. Unfortunately because of my pastiness, I required about 3 applications. These were all streak free and looked great. I have been using this product every summer for 3 years and would switch to anything else
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December 18th 2023 - January 21st 2024
Eco Tan Winter Skin Review

- Winter Skin is a daily nourisher that dries instantly and builds to a beautiful honey tan after a couple of applications. Basically the more you apply it the darker you go.
- Winter Skin is perfect for the transforming the fairest beauty into a bronzed goddess.
- Contains beautiful rose flower notes and hydrates the skin without hidden nasties.
- Every Ingredient is organic or natural
- No synthetic ingredients and like all of our products Winter Skin is certified organic by the Organic Food Chain, vegan and accredited by Choose Cruelty Free.
Tips: Winter skin is for people with super fair to fair skin.
I'm a big fan of this product. Fake tan is a wonderful, wonderful, product, but this may just be head of the pack. I chose it because it's ethical - vegan, organic, etc. But I love it because it's really easy to use. One pump into the hand is the right amount for a calf or thigh. The product is the perfect consistency, rubbing in easily without leaving any greasy feeling. Only once have I hurried too much and left tan lines on my legs - which is impressive because I'm not careful about these things!
All up, this is a great product that I totally recommend you try!
I got this in the beauty vault a while ago and have been using it ever since.
Firstly, I wish my bottle came with a pump but I read some reviews that it took a while for the product to come out. The new bottle is easy but you have to squeeze it out.
Application of this is easy as well. I apply it after a shower at night. It is moisturising enough and when I wake up in the morning, my legs have a nice tan. It's not too dark which is great because I don't want a dark tan anyway so if you have a light brown skin colour like me, this would give you a mild/medium tan.
I don't mind the smell too. It's not my favourite scent but I don't have an issue with it.
Overall, it's a pretty good product and it's great that it's eco-friendly too.
Tips: You can apply this with your hands but I used a tanning mitt
I heard and read so many good things before buying. It's made from organically certified ingredients. I love the idea of a building a tan, and the fact I could use this in place of a every day moisturiser. I brought the exfoliating mit, and tanning mit to apply to get a even spread. The pump on the bottle makes it easy to get out the bottle. The colour is good and doesn't go orange, It appears golden on your skin. Bonus! I don't find it to be overly hydrating so applied at night and moisture in the morning. I find over time it can start to go patchy, and the smell isn't crash hot, however it doesn't have the typical fake tan smell. I like this product, but I'm not in love with it, the reason why it didn't get 5 stars from me.
Another product I picked up in the vault, as I like to look a bit tanned without the hassle of actually tanning outside, plus its far too cold to do that right now!
The bottle has a handy dandy pump which I love. It's easy to disperse product without having to continually pick up the bottle and squeeze it out, you can just boop it with the back of your hand. It keeps the bottle clean and there is less mess!
The lotion is a light brown, and it's not very creamy. It's thick, but it's quite thin in consistency. Luckily the color is solid and I've found that thankfully, it doesn't go streaky. It does take a few days to build up though, so if you have something on Saturday and you want a tan, start earlier!
I personally think it smells awful, but I've gotten used to the smell by now so I don't really notice it anymore. It takes me roughly 6-10 pumps to do my whole body, which is quite good, and the more pumps I use the more I know my body is covered and again, I won't go streaky. I'd rather use more than not have enough on. Once it gets to the bottom it gets harder to pump out as it creates a well of product around the pump.
As it's drying it's quite sticky on the body, and on my face it doesn't seem very moisturizing which is a shame, but I don't really expect to be moisturized from a tanning product. I do use exfoliation gloves every day but I haven't really noticed it affecting the color of the tan, nor is it scrubbing it all off. I'd consider repurchasing this but I'd rather branch out and try new tanning products at the same time.
When i noticed this in the last beauty vault i was excited and new i needed it. I havent used a fake tan moisturiser since i was in high school and i dont have very good memories. I remeber my legs looking orange and feeling like a oompa loompa.
This comes in a brown soft squeezy bottle, which is easy to squeeze out the rite amount of moisturiser that you need. The moisturiser its self is a nice light brown colour and is quite a thick consistancy which is great that you dont feel like its just sliding off yot hand.
I was a little nervious to apply more coats to my legs (even tho the bottle says you can add more than one application) I just didnt want to be orange, But i sucked it up and added 3x applications and woohoo i ddint turn orange! It just added a little more colour to my legs.
Over all I really like it but i would like to see a bit more colour come from this.
I have BAD memories of fake tans I was young (in my teens) and i made such a bad job of applying it, I was orange, I was a little oompah loompah. I spent hours scrubbing my poor legs until they were almost raw, trying to get as much of the Orange stain off before school the next day. And so from that I decided I would never try tanning products again.
So when I saw this in the vault preview I had to do some BR review reading. If only we had BR back in our teens I'm sure we would have all made less mistakes! Anyway the reviews were great so I thought it best I give it another go and it's not really a fake tan, so into the cart it went on vault day. (Thanks BR)
It comes in a very light weight plastic bottle which is easy to squeeze the product out of the bottle. I look at this bottle and I already feel good, Organic and natural ingredients and of course not tested on animals it also has the ingredient list and directions on how to apply it.
I start applying it and take a wee sniff and it smells like cocoa butter it's nice and not over powering, the scent doesn't stay long. It's a very light tan coloured moisturiser and it's quite thick. It absorbs easily without sticky residues I have dry skin and found it moisturising and it left my legs silky smooth. This time I was very careful rubbing it in evenly I waited for it to completely dry before dressing "just incase" and then what did I do? Forgot to wash my hands!! So I woke up with orange palms, freaking out I checked my legs phew just glowing skin it was a very subtle tan on the first day and looked healthy. 2nd and 3rd day it goes slightly darker but still looks natural I use it 3 days a week then use normal moisturiser for a while because I am scared I might go orange but so far so good. Maybe once summer hits and I get my legs out I might use it more often.
I love this and find it perfect for me not making me orange and just wanting a slight tan. I think I will have to repurchase this again when it runs out
This is the second fake tan I have used. I really like this one. It has a mild scent and its gentle on the skin. I like how its a gradual tanner. You just apply it each day and you gradually get darker. I think I will be sticking to this winter skin from now on. I adore it.
The usual tanning rules apply, Moisturize, Exfoliate etc
I love Winter Skin! It's probably my favourite product from the Eco Tan range.
It's super quick to apply as it's like a moisturiser, you can easily rub it all over you skin and it dries really fast. It's not too thick so it doesn't feel like your pulling at your skin either.
It has a really subtle scent, nothing fake and awful smelling which is a plus and it's cruelty free! I use it on my face too and it doesn't break me out.
If you are worried about it being a little more pricey, don't be. It's worth it knowing you are using something with natural/organic ingredients, especially if you are using it on the regular. You want something that isn't full of chemicals!
I'm on my last use now and will definitely buy this one again.
Tips: I usually apply one coat, wash my hands then after about 5-10 minutes apply a second coat. This leaves me with a really natural glow. Then of course you can keep applying another coat every day until you have your desired colour.
I also use the Eco Tan exfoliating glove in the shower before using this, its amazing and buffing away your old tan and dead skin cells.
Love this for my winter tan - easy to apply and smells so good. Lasts a week for me. A definite in my bathroom cupboard.