I always make sure I have this with me on the go because its a lifesaver! If you see/feel a breakout appear apply some on (sometimes might need to do another application later on) it stops it from becoming a full on breakout! I just think its amazing and have no bad things to say about this product.
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December 18th 2023 - January 21st 2024
e.l.f Zit Zapper Review

e.l.f Zit Zapper Zap zits away with the unique blend of Salicylic Acid, Tea Tree Oil, Witch Hazel and Camphor. This special clear roll-on formula helps to fight and prevent acne, reduce redness and swelling, minimize pore size and clear skin.
Website www.elfcosmetics.com.au
Currently using this product. I believe I picked this up for a $1 on a US make up site. I really like it and it works well for me. Easy application and I notice a difference after the first application. It reduces redness and the size of the pimples and zits.
Tips: If you have a particularly enlarged zit/pimple, extra applications throughout the day speed up the repair and look of skin.
I always apply this little wonder after washing in the morning, It is amazing, helps get rid of unwanted pimples and zits. This is one of my go to products for easy simple use.Love the product, so worth having a test
i use this before i apply my make up on any imperfections i have and before bed and i started noticing a difference after about to weeks, its not a amazing different but i did notice that my bumps were smaller making it easier and more flawless when applying foundation. For the price i highly recommend getting one!
This product is amazing! I bought it for only $1. It has salicylic acid, tea tree oil, and witch hazel, which are all great ingredients to treating pimples. I apply it during the morning and night, and noticed really good improvement. You have to apply generously for it to work well, and the packaging is convenient and durable. It comes in a roller-ball form so you can just roll it on. I say for its price, this product it definitely worth it. :)
I got this from iHerb because I was having a bout of pimples and I wanted something quick and easy I could throw on them to silence them. It arrived fairly quickly and I immediately opened it and gave it a whirl.
The dispenser ball is quite annoying and I don't always get a lot of product from it. You're supposed to roll it on the area, but as I didn't want to put germs on that and give myself more pimples at a later date, I applied it to my finger instead. You can see how little actually comes out when you use it on your finger, too.
The liquid is clear, smells medical and I honestly don't see it making a huge difference. I've applied it onto angry looking lumps and pimples, and everything in between. I applied it a few times a day too, to get an added effect but nothing happened. I have products that work a lot better, so I don't think I'd repurchase this in a hurry.
I had heard amazing things about this so I bought one off iherb to try sort out my annoying acne. I have bumps and small pimples, nothing major but still I'd love to have clear skin. I've been using this for over a week before bed now and it actually helps get rid of the bumps! I'd roll it on at night and when I wake up the bumps would either be noticeably smaller or completely gone. The actual liquid itself feels just like water and is very thin. After I apply it I don't feel that gross thick clogging you get with some pimple products. The only thing that I don't like is bad enough in my opinion for a five star product to drop to four stars. It's a rollerball. I'm applying this to my face and especially acne ridden areas so a rollerball isn't the best applicator. I can just imagine all the bacteria being picked up by the ball and rolled back into the product to fester and multiply *shudders*. There's no way to really clean this since as far as I'm aware it's not removable. I've taken care to really clean my face before using this but I wish this was a brush or a squeezy bottle. That was my only negative against this. Super impressed with something so cheap though I'll definitely have to buy again when it runs out!
I'm not going to lie, I really do have perfect skin. I hardly ever get any pimples (yeah, my highschool days were a breeze) but when I do, I use this godly-stick and any blemish goes away. I think the best thing about this is that it's so affordable and the applicator allows you to hit exactly where you need to.
It will definitely work well for someone who only has a few pimples here and there every now and then.
Tips: Be prepared for the stinging which is 100% worth it. That's how you know it works :D
The e.l.f Zit Zapper is so good for speeding up the healing process of blemishes and bringing pimples to head. I found that it dries out the blemish and reduces swelling. This product comes with a roller ball which makes it difficult not to apply to the surrounding skin. It comes out clear and runny which I prefer to some other thicker pimple creams. Really like this product,I find it to be very effective and cheap!
Tips: Don't apply to non-blemished skin or it will dry it out majorly
I get spots and will try anything to get rid of the little suckers. The zit zapper comes in a small tube with a rollerball. I don't really like the idea of this as I feel it is really unhygienic. I prefer to wash my hands then roll some product onto my finger then dot onto any spots.
It can be hard to get a lot of product out which is annoying. It smells really strong but it disappears quite quickly. I haven't seen any amazing results while using this. There are much better products out there for sure. One thing I did notice is it didn't dry my skin out which is great.
I see a lot of people rave about this but everyones skin is different and it just does nothing for me. It is cheap as chips to buy so if it doesn't work for you it is not a big loss.