I really enjoy using this product. They are easy to use and holds a style. I find that this style of "bobby spinners" hold much better and feels more secure than normal "bobby pins". All you need to do is twist it into place, it's that simple. When I first got them they did look big but once they are in your hair you can't see them at all. Highly Recommend!
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December 18th 2023 - January 21st 2024
Cameo Bobby Spinners Review

With the strength of 20 bobby pins, Bobby Spinners can add structure, style and staying power to any up do
Website www.thewarehouse.co.nz
This slightly strange design is magic. Seriously. I'm not sure how but it literally screws into your hair and feels so solid! I was able to do with one bobby pin what I would normally use around 5/7 for. It's got great hold. I like that it feels strong too. It's made of some type of metal.
All I can say is I wish I knew about these earlier!!
I got these Bobby Spinners from the October Beauty Vault, and was quite intrigued! I had not seen them before and in the picture they look much more flat than they actually are. In reality the pins are made of the same kind of material normal bobby pins are made of, but each arm/prong is stronger than the normal bobbys because they're tubular (but not hollow) rather than being flat. There are two "arms" per spinner and they wind downwards in a spiral to act basically like a screw.
The way I've been using them is that I wind up my hair into a bun, use one hair tie to hold it in place while I get the spinners, and place each of the spinners on a different area on the bun, angled so that when spun they'll be able to hold on to the hair that isn't in the bun itself.
The results are amazing! Since I got my hair cut in a slightly shaggy style at just above shoulder length, putting my hair in buns has been a pain. But these pins make having my hair in a messy bun possible again, without having to worry about it coming out every time I move.
These are the niftiest little life savers.
I have my hair up in a bun a third of the time for work and love how easy and convenient these bobby spinners are to use. Just a few seconds to twist in and a few more to remove.
They are far more robust than bobby pins and I'm yet to say I've lost one. My hair has always remained in place with the few up do's I've used these spinners for. (Buns and half up half down styles)
These have probably been the single most useful product I have received in a Beauty Review Beauty Box.
These are great, I was given a couple from my sister and I have long thin hair that doesn't like being controlled and slips out of bobby pins unless enforced with a hair tie! I liked them so much I bought some in brown when I stopped highlighting my hair! The way they twist into each and stay on the diagonal all day is great unlike Bobby pins that don't intersect with each other well and stay put. There is no scrapping your scalp either! Tidy to store as they twist into each other and it's not lots of little thin easy to loose Bobby pins.
Not only did these hair clips reduce the effort it took to create elaborate hair styles immensely. They also stood up to the Wellington wind. Absolutely love them.
The spinners are one of my favourite things that BR has introduced me to. My first reaction was "the heck!?", I flipped the cardboard over to have a quick read of the "how-to" and added them to the "too hard" basket.
Two months later (I know) I decided to give them a go. In general, I twirl my thick wavy hair straight into a bun and use a hair tie to secure it. When I lose my hair tie I have to resort to a good 10-15 bobby pins to ensure that my hair stays in place, particularly if I've straightened it and popped it up into a bun because it has a tendency to slip out.
I didn't waste time trying to work out the dynamics of these pins, I hopped on Youtube and googled how it's done. It took me three attempts to figure out what works best for me which is one pin to secure the end (where the hair normally gets tucked into the bun) and the other at the base. The spinners hold my bun in place all day.
I've gone jogging with my dog a few times and my bun remained in place except on two occasions. I feel that placement is important so it's good to take the time to figure out what works for you and how the pins will work for the type of hair you have. If you have thin hair I'm not so sure you'll get as much benefit out of it as someone like myself with thicker hair.
They are easy to spin into place and just as easy to remove my spinning them in the opposite direction. I was concerned about the spinners tugging on my hair when I was trying to remove them but I've never had an issue.
Overall, I'm happy to have these pins and would highly recommend to those with thick medium-long hair. They're so much better than having to go through a pack of bobby pins that go missing after the first few days!
So after ALL the hype of the Beauty Review Beauty Box that I did not get- I saw these at the warehouse and didn't hesitate to buy them. My first attempts were pretty terrible, but the way they screw into your hair is really quite novel. I have quite long hair, and a lot of it. I tie my hair into a pony tail and twist it around and use the spinners to secure it into a bun. The placement of the pins seems to be paramount to a good bun, unfortunately I have not mastered it yet- sometimes it lasts ages and others it falls out and I have to resecure it. This may also be due to the state of my hair in terms of washing- as freshly washed hair tends to fall out more easily. Overall, I'm still learning to use these pins- but I can see that they are a great addition to the hair drawer. They are a pretty genius idea and I intend to keep using them.
Tips: I can't provide any tips- I'm crazily scouring everyone else's tips as they are tricky to master but I think the results are worthwhile.
I scored these from the Beauty Vault and I have to say they are awesome. I wear my hair up most days and find normal clips don't hold and they spey open but these are really strong and hold my hair put all day. They did take a wee bit of playing around to get it right but easy enough you just screw them into your hair! Very good!
Tips: Spray a tiny bit of hairspray on the Bobby Spinner as you are about to put it in your hair gives it that extra staying power
These genius little twisties are a saviour. I learnt about these after attending a tiggy tails event where we get taught about hair styling.. mainly for my toddler but also helpful for numpty old me.
I had never seen these before but have been astounded by their effectiveness. My daughters curly hair is tamed and taped into place using these. I also did a wedding updo on my own hair using these to bolt my bun into place.. if only I could do that for another set of my buns!
Reusable - I didn’t feel like I bent these and made them unusable like other pins.
Hidden - actually screw into your hair and is covered by the hair so you can’t see them.
Sturdy - they don’t really bend out of shape so you can reuse them which is good considering the price.
They twist in and out so you don’t really loose them like your traditional pins that seem to vanish at the drop of a pin!
Tips: Wish they came in bigger packs though