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The Beauty Crew are on holiday:

December 18th 2023 - January 21st 2024

All The Reasons To Say Yes To Autumn

6 April, 2023 - 06:03am by - Head Pixie | 13 Comments

by BR Kellie

I make no bones about the summer season being my favourite. I love heat. I love waking up warm and going to sleep warm, all the wihle wearing as little as possible. I like slopping on sunscreen, adding a touch of mascara and gloss - concealer on gnarly skin days - and heading out the door having spent a few minutes gussying up. And I loooooove looooong, sunny days rather than short, cold ones.

Well, we didn't see a heck of a lot of that this summer (at least, not in Auckland), so I'm turning my frown upside down by embracing autumn and have found seven ways that it trumps my beloved summer season...

1. More Makeup

While technically there are no rules about how much makeup one might wear at any time of year, as previously stated I do go for less is less during summer, mainly because it's easy, but also because my skin just eats makeup in the warmer months, or it slides off my face. Come autumn, I can go full face once more. Foundation, bronzer, blush, highlighter, allllll the eyeshadow. And lipstick. Opaque, rich, lush lippy. If there's a reason for yours truly to love autumn, the more is more philosophy on makeup is it!

2. Cosy Food and Drinks

Last night for dessert, I served up apple pie with a scoop of vanilla ice cream. Would I do this during summer? Nope. Ice cream all the way. There wouldn't be a cinnamon-y, warming, delicious pie in sight. Come autumn though? It's a must, along with hot choccies, roasts of all kinds, and warm root vege salads.

3. Exercise

I'm a fan of exercise all year round, but in summer it's gotta be done first thing in the morning or just before the sun sets (I'm a security-concious gal, so getting my exercise on during the darker hours is a no for me). Come autumn though? Even at its warmest you're not going to end up a puddle on the ground as you pound the pavement. You're not going to end up with super sexy sweat necklace on your t-shirt. Heck, in autumn you can amp things up to get even more of a sweat on and it's so chilly no one will notice!

4. Change of Scenery

I envy those down south, because out of all the places I've lived it's there that I feel you really notice the change of season with the green trees turning firey shades before dropping their foliage onto the ground. It's a stunning sight. And one I'm lucky enough to see in my local park, although not quite (well, nowhere near) to the same extent. 

5. Fire It Up

Braziers burning on a clear-skied star-filled night. A glass of whatever you fancy in front of a roaring fire - real or gas, it doesn't matter. Marshmallows melting on a stick over an open flame. There's nothing like a fire in the cooler months. It's just not the same in summer.

6. The Fashion

I am definitely a less is more lass when it comes to clothing. That being said, I do love a cosy, cableknit jumper. Chunky knee-length leather boots. A foofy scarf complete with pompoms at the end. While I'd rather not rug up on the whole, when I do I like it chunky and I like it cute. And if you tried a foofy pompom scarf with chunky boots and a cableknit jumper in the warmer months, you'd melt in moments.

7. The Skincare

My skin does not agree with summer. It breaks out in a second. It decides that skincare isn't its friend unless it's used sparsely. It makes my life very difficult. In autumn though? I can layer up the serums, add in an oil, and level up the hydration... and my skin will thank me for it.

Other ways that autumn can be considered great? Well, if you're sporty you might be getting your netball, rugby or football on. If you're into taking drives, then going for a Sunday drive to see the changing colours of the landscape could be a bit of fun. And if you just like to laze around at home? Well heck, there's no better an excuse than a chilly autumnal day.

So, are you a lover of all things Autumn? Is this the time of year you relish the most? And how will you be getting your Autumn on? Chat below!



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22nd April, 2023

Yes autumn is great and all your points are valid. Love homey wear while it's raining out and time for the dark lippies to make a reappearance yay!

21st April, 2023

I love Autumn. It's not too hot or cold and love everything changing colour.

13th April, 2023

I love Autumn, the layers , the warmer colours and of course all the beautiful scenery. I just got my hair coloured yesterday with a few darker tones to suit the season.

13th April, 2023

I love both autumn and spring. Long coats and long boots, cool sleeps, moisturiser and makeup staying put instead of sweating off in a slick, sticky mess.... Yet the weather's still warm enough to enjoy the outdoors. They're definitely my happy seasons.

13th April, 2023

I love the colors and ambience of autum

13th April, 2023

I like Autumn, dislike Winter and love Spring and Summer, just don't like the cold weather.

12th April, 2023

Love Autumn, especially all the leaves and slightly cooler , don't like that it leads to winter , though , that's the most horrible time if year

12th April, 2023

I really love both Autumn and Spring as I feel so much more energized.

11th April, 2023

I love Autumn. Its literally my favorite season, not too hot, not too cold and the change in season scenery is the best part! A hobby of mine is nature photography and I love this time of the year, I get some amazing shots.

11th April, 2023

Mmmm apple pie! I love the colours of Autumn and the clothing, but not the cold and dark brrrr and trying to put on eyeliner in false light is not so fun!

10th April, 2023

Nothing like leaves crunching underfoot and the firey shades of orange and red are just stunning. Cooler nights and great to snuggle and read a book ahh bliss.

10th April, 2023

Sleeping is amazing in autumn. It's finally not too hot and grossly sticky!

10th April, 2023

Autumn has always been my fav season. Hot days, blustery breezes that let you do things outside for more than 10 minutes at a time...colourful trees, nights cool enough to let you SLEEP! It also feels productive after the lazy days of Summer. Tidying up the garden, and planting winter veg, laundry that dries quickly in the sun and wind...sigh. Perfection

12th April, 2023

Nice long walks without getting all sweaty

12th April, 2023

So Very True